CHICAGO (AP) — Police anxiety in the era of ever-present cellphone
cameras and viral videos partly explains why violent crime has risen in
several large U.S. cities this year, FBI Director James Comey said
Comey told several hundred students during a forum at the University
of Chicago Law School that it's critical to do more to address a
widening gulf between law enforcement and citizens in many communities,
particularly African-Americans.
He said while there likely are multiple factors behind the spike in
violence in cities, including Chicago, officers and others nationwide
have told him they see "the era of viral videos" as a link.
"I don't know whether this explains it entirely, but I do have a
strong sense that some part of the explanation is a chill wind blowing
through American law enforcement over the last year, and that wind is
surely changing behavior," Comey said.
He added that some of the behavioral change in police officers has
been for the good "as we continue to have important discussions about
police conduct and de-escalation and the use of deadly force."
Comey likened the strain between law enforcement and local
communities to two lines diverging, saying repeatedly that authorities
must continue to work at improving their relationships with citizens.
But he added: "I actually feel the lines continuing to arc away from
each other, incident by incident, video by video."
The New York Times reported that
Comey's remarks "caught officials by surprise at the Justice
Department," where many do not agree with his explanation. Several
officials there "privately fumed" over his opinion, according to the
Most of the country's 50 largest cities have seen an increase in
shootings and killings, he said, citing Chicago, Cleveland, Dallas and
others. In Washington, D.C., he said homicides are up more than 20
percent. And he added that Baltimore is averaging more than one homicide
a day — a rate higher than New York City, which has 13 times the
"Why is it happening ... all over and all of a sudden?" he asked. "I've heard a lot of theories — reasonable theories."
He suggested other factors, including the availability of cheaper
heroin, guns getting into the wrong hands for wrongdoing, and street
gangs becoming smaller and more territorial.
But he said his conversations with officers often come back to
cellphones. He said they describe encounters with young people and their
cellphone cameras "taunting" them "the moment they get out of their
"They told me, 'We feel like we're under siege and we don't feel much like getting out of our cars,'" Comey said.
He said he has been told about higher-ranking police telling
officers "to remember that their political leadership has no tolerance
for a viral video."
A spokesman for the ACLU of Illinois, Ed Yohnka, said later Friday he disagreed with Comey's assessment.
"Police officers who respect civilians and the law will only enhance
the reputation of their departments when recorded by civilians," Yohnka
said. "And officers should be trained to conduct themselves with
professionalism regardless of whether a camera is recording them."
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